This story is in support of The Ed Ladder
About this Story
New beginnings
I remember dropping my daughter off at kindergarten the first day of school.  I didn't want to leave.  I knew she was ready.  I saw the excitement in her eyes to meet her teacher and all the kids in her class.  She was confident and ready and though I walked away with tears in my eyes, I was smiling because I knew this would be a great adventure for her.  It was only a few hours and later that afternoon she was back at home telling me all about her first day of school.  13 years later and I'm at this same point again. But this time when she goes off to school, she won't walk back in a few hours later. It will probably be a couple months until she is home again.  The house will be quiet. And while I know she'll call, text, Facetime (hopefully all the above that first day) things will have changed.  I know she's ready. That excitement in her eyes is still there. As a mom I always knew this moment was coming.  Just why did it have to get here so fast! 
About this Organization
The Ed Ladder
The Ed Ladder is a non-profit formed by educators in 2013 to assist under-served learners. This includes students who are low income, English language learners, have special needs, are in foster care or recently adopted, or are experiencing homelessness. Our tutors provide these students tutoring and mentoring on study and life skills.
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About the Artist
Laura ( @loyal-koala-808 )
Laura Cox