About this Story
Journal Entry No. 57: "The Colorado Wilderness"
Journal Entry No. 57
April 21, 1838
"The Colorado Wilderness"
By Johann Diederich, Naturalist
The verdant forest gradually gave way to a rugged terrain marked by boulders and craggy outcrops before I stumbled upon the canyon's edge. The sight that met my eyes was nothing short of sublime. A vast chasm, its walls sheer and towering, their shades of red and orange carved by eons of erosion, surrounded me. The river, a ribbon of crystal-clear water, meandered sinuously through the canyon's depths, glistening like liquid sapphire under the morning sun. - JD
About the Artist
Tom ( @tdieds1945 )

Reformed journalist. Reluctant Texan. Part-time shepherd. Online community builder. Social media whisperer and storyteller.