This story is in support of Skinny Gene Project
About this Story
Green Freedom
For my 14th birthday in 1980, I received the perfect gift from my parents: a green Schwinn 12-speed “Continental Varsity” bicycle. This bike signified freedom for me. My friends and I would cover at least 20 miles every day during those sunny summer breaks and it was our transport to school. At university, the bike became my primary mode of transportation, aiding me in traversing the far-reaching Ohio State campus. I sincerely hope today's kids experience the joy and liberation biking provides, not to mention the bonus of exercise.
About this Organization
Skinny Gene Project
The J Moss Foundation (DBA Skinny Gene Project) is an established San Diego-based nonprofit, championing healthcare since 2008. Our mission is to combat type 2 diabetes by identifying those at risk and equipping them with education, an evidence-based lifestyle transformation program, and a supportive community - turning the tide on prediabetes. Your support enables us to emphatically change lives, halting potential diabetes progression before it starts.
Visit our gallery to learn more
About the Artist
Tom ( @tdieds1945 )

Reformed journalist. Reluctant Texan. Part-time shepherd. Online community builder. Social media whisperer and storyteller.