This story is in support of Skinny Gene Project
About this Story
Nutrition Constrained
A memorable moment for me was when my family travelled abroad for charity work. We were in a local neighborhood where access to healthy food was a real struggle. This experience changed my understanding of diet. I came to see it as not just about personal choices but also what options are available to you. The harsh reality that our best decisions are often constrained by our circumstances was a eye-opening revelation. This reinforced the importance of being empathetic and understanding towards others' life choices and struggles.
About this Organization
Skinny Gene Project
The J Moss Foundation (DBA Skinny Gene Project) is an established San Diego-based nonprofit, championing healthcare since 2008. Our mission is to combat type 2 diabetes by identifying those at risk and equipping them with education, an evidence-based lifestyle transformation program, and a supportive community - turning the tide on prediabetes. Your support enables us to emphatically change lives, halting potential diabetes progression before it starts.
Visit our gallery to learn more
About the Artist
Steve ( @Steve )

I am a co-founder of Vysual. I am a father and husband living in San Diego. I am excited for the future, the opportunity that new technologies provide and hope to do my part to guide that towards making the world a better place.