About this Story
Bursting the Bubble
On my visit to Cuba, I felt as though I had been catapulted back in time. I was surrounded by vintage cars and found myself living with a striking lack of internet. It seemed like we were living in a bubble from the past. However, despite these limitations, I encountered a heartening family living in modest conditions. This encounter vividly illustrated that wealth doesn't always come in material forms. What mattered to this family was the bond they nurtured over a shared meal. This experience dramatically shifted my perspective on life, helping me realize that it's the relationships we build, not the possessions
About the Artist
Steve ( @Steve )

I am a co-founder of Vysual. I am a father and husband living in San Diego. I am excited for the future, the opportunity that new technologies provide and hope to do my part to guide that towards making the world a better place.