About this Story
Animal Adoption
Adopting animals from shelters is pivotal, as it not only saves lives but also alleviates overpopulation, simultaneously bringing joy to both pets and their newfound families. Each year, millions of these animals find themselves in shelters. Tragically, due to a lack of space and inadequate resources, many are industriously euthanized. Giving them a second chance through adoption not only provides them a loving home but also relieves the pressure on shelters. Take for example the story of Bella, a formerly timid dog who blossomed into a playful, affectionate companion after adoption.
About the Artist
Steve ( @Steve )
Steve Cox
I am a co-founder of Vysual. I am a father and husband living in San Diego. I am excited for the future, the opportunity that new technologies provide and hope to do my part to guide that towards making the world a better place.