The image speaks volumes to me. It illustrates the harmony of plants, trees, and mountains—each delicately threading the tapestry of our earth. When considering the human effect on this balance, I can...
Our planet, Large and Small

Dreams about the future may start small, but with Love lighting the way we can build our castle in the sky
Castles in the Air

We all need balance in our lives. Time to learn and time to play. Kids need to have an opportunity to spend time in play after a long day of learning.
Waiting for Recess

Learning happens all around us.
A Special Place for Learning

What do you wish for?
Wishing on a star at the end of the day might include peace, hope, or LOVE. The power of love can make a change that grows beyond our dreams.
Imagine a World with Love

We journey into the forest, looking for peace and meaning in our lives. What better way to find what we are looking for than supporting through Love.
Into the Woods With Love

Food for the soul as well as the body.
Still Life in transition