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Member since: March 2023
Story Likes:115
Funds raised:$724
Co-founder of Vysual. Always looking to make an impact. Favorite Maya Angelou quote: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
My Causes
About Me
I am a co-founder of Vysual. I am a father and husband living in San Diego. I am excited for the future, the opportunity that new technologies provide and hope to do my part to guide that towards making the world a better place.
About My Art
Art is a personal story for me. The art in our house is from a person or place that has meaning to us. Similarly, what I build is intended to reflect something personal and meaningful.
About My Process
I am a digital artist. I have used photoshop and editing for a long time and have embraced the power of AI. My process always starts with an idea about a story I want to tell. I start with a general idea of what I want to see, but I start testing out different prompts that build upon the idea and sometimes let it take me in a different direction. I often times incorporate different objects and pictures and mix them with the AI to influence the direction specifically. Once I feel good about something, I shift my focus to mixing in different styles (animation, drawing, paintings etc). This is one of my favorite parts because I find this experimentation leads to so many outcomes that tell incredibly different stories. The final stage is editing through colors, focus areas and styles to get something I feel truly tells the story.